Origins of Karesama

Origins of Karesama

I bought my first pedigree kitten in 1973. She was a beautiful chocolate point Siamese. I called my new kitten Sheba feeling this was inspired. I now realise how may first Siamese cats are called Sheba and how much Blue Peter has to answer for! Readers of my generation will understand that comment. I feel secretly pleased though that years later they decided to name a luxury cat food after my beloved Sheba.

I tried unsuccessfully to breed with Sheba and this led to the purchase of another kitten of the “Muchloved” prefix. I was now the proud owner of a lilac tabby point.   When I moved away from home, my mother refused to part with the girls and they lived the remainder of their 16 years in spoilt bliss.

In 1979 I got married to a dog loving cat hater!

Six months later I was the proud owner of a blue point Siamese, as they say love is blind.

One year later I was also the proud owner of a brown-tortie Burmese, well the Siamese needed a companion.

The latter purchase was entirely my husbands “fault”. I had shown my original Siamese and they had been placed in Novice classes and the judges I spoke to were very kind and didn’t let me read their judges book where they had probably written “nice pet”, next time leave it on the hearth rug! When the husband was persuaded his, by now doted on, Siamese needed a companion we went to a cat show. HE fell in love with Burmese, especially red Burmese. It took me a long time and a lot of determination to locate someone who was prepared to let me have a show quality female. There really weren’t many reds around.

Pat Brownsell of the Patriarca prefix had a litter due from a mating which had produced nice babies in the past. The queen dutifully kittened and produced, yes that’s right, two brown torties! I would have to breed my own red female from the brown-tortie. Oh the hardship!

Patriarca Parmaladie- Pepper- became a Champion and we were thrilled and hooked. She was everything a Burmese should be, naughty, self opinionated, outgoing and had a wonderful sense of humour. She died several years ago now but I still miss her terribly and sometimes wake up in the night imagining she has just bitten my toe. One of her many “bad habits”. Pepper educated us and moulded two very devoted owners. She proved to be a hard task master when I had my three children. Her babies didn’t cry so why should mine? She told me off dreadfully if they cried and always ran to them to “help”.

Champion Karesama Carefree Kate, a Pepper look alike.

I am afraid I do not have a good photograph of Pepper but here is Champion Karesama Carefree Kate, a Pepper look alike.  Pepper was the foundation queen of Karesama Burmese, she is behind every Karesama Burmese I have ever produced, quite an achievement for one little girl.

One of the first kittens she produced was she produced Champion Karesama Crimson Silkthe red girl I promised myself.  Crimson Silk was the daughter of Grand Champion Rascals Butterscotch owned by Joyce Dell, a senior judge in the Burmese breed and a genetics expert who had helped to create red Burmese and later the Asian breed.   My first asian was bought from this clever and kind expert, thank you Joyce and I am about to have a new red kitten from her.. the excitment

Most of my kittens are much loved pets but occasionally their owners decide to show as in the case of Champion Karesama Imperial Wizard, Champion Karesama Dusky Rose , Grand Champion Karesama Pretty Poppy, Grand Champion Karesama Cheeky Chestnut, Grand Premier Karesama Solar Cream, Grand Premier Karesama Red Rascal and Grand Premier Karesama Red Raffles.

In 1982 I moved to sunny Hampshire and having three children under the age of five did not show for several years. When my youngest child was 5, I bought an English Setter and have produced several nice litters. I am proud to say dogs I have bred have sired many show winning puppies in this country and abroad but that’s another story. During this time my girls became too old to breed from and I am very grateful to Mary Champion who let me have a pretty lilac tortie Nicamy Lilac Ladie – Jessica -, to breed from, Grand Champion Karesama Pretty Poppy is her grandmother. Jessica has produced some lovely babies, amongst themChampion Karesama Carefree Kate and Grand Champion Karesama Moonlite Serenade.